Trump National Doral Golf Club - The Blue Monster
Resort-Public - 18 holes [72]
4400 NW 87th Avenue
Doral, Florida
Miami-Dade County
Resort Website
The Trump National Doral resort offers a stay and play package for resort guests.
Other Courses at the Club:
Trump National Doral Golf Club - Golden Palm
Trump National Doral Golf Club - Red Tiger
Trump National Doral Golf Club - Silver Fox
Former Courses at the Club:
Trump National Doral Golf Club - White Course
Doral Golf Resort & Spa - White Course
Doral Golf Resort & Spa - Par 3 Course

Award for Best Picture - Course

Award for Best Picture - Resort

The visionary for the Doral Country Club was Alfred Kaskel, 1959.
The Doral Country Club - Blue Course opened on December 22, 1961 and was designed by Dick Wilson and his assistants Joe Lee and Bob Hagge with a layout of 18/72/7029.
In 1962, the Doral Country Club - Blue Course was referred to as the The Blue Monster and the nickname held.
In 1963, the lake acreage on the Doral Country Club - Blue Monster course was increased by 15 acres.
In 1987, the Doral Country Club - Blue Monster was renamed to the Doral Resort & Spa - The Blue Monster.
In 1996, the Blue Monster was restored by Raymond Floyd and Ted McAnlis with a layout of 18/72/7125.
In 2003, Jim McLean renovated the Doral Resort & Spa - The Blue Monster course with an updated yardage of 7266.
In 2012, the Doral Resort & Spa - The Blue Monster was renamed the Trump National Doral Golf Club - The Blue Monster and it was renovated by Gil Hanse with a re-opening in December 2013 with an updated yardage of 7510.
Course Area

Trump National Doral Golf Club - Blue Monster Course Layout and Scorecard

Street View of Entrance

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In 1959, Alfred Kaskel purchased 2,400 acres of swampland so far west of Miami that at that time no paved road existed to reach the property. In fact, the first time Kaskel ventured out to his new property he couldn't find it. Kaskel's wife and daughter thought he was crazy to purchase the property and called it "Kaskel's folly". Kaskel combined his wife's name (Doris) with his own (Alfred) to come up with the name of Doral and this new venture would be known as the Doral Country Club.

Alfred Kaskel. Source: Pinterest.
Kaskel hired Dick Wilson and his assistants Joe Lee and Bob Hagge (later known as Robert von Hagge) to design the plans for two regulation length golf courses plus a par-3 course. On December 22, 1961, the Doral Country Club opened with the Blue, Red and Par-3 courses. In early 1962 the hotel at the Doral Country Club opened for business.
In April 1962, Kaskel broke ground on the Doral Beach Hotel located on Miami Beach. Kaskel put up a large purse to attract a PGA event at Doral in 1962. The tournament was held on the Blue Course and was named the Doral Country Club Open Invitational and was won by Billy Casper. After watching the professionals struggle on the Blue Course, the tournament director Frank Strafaci gave the Blue Course the nickname 'The Blue Monster'.
The Doral Beach Hotel opened in February, 1963.

Doral Beach Hotel. Source:
Now Kaskel offered his guests the best of both worlds - the beach and golfing.

Source: The Miami News - Feb. 10, 1963
In May, 1963 construction began on the fourth golf course, the White Course, for the Doral complex, but it needed dirt, and so the lakes were dredged and enlarged on the Blue course from 60 acres to 75 acres. Kaskel hired Bob Hagge to design the White course. As a result of the building of the new White course, the par-3 course was redesigned since they were both located on the same parcel of land.
On January 20, 1966 the Doral Country Club White Course opened and in December 1966 the redesigned Par 3 coure reopened. Since the Blue Course had been renamed the Blue Monster, the other courses were renamed as well. The Red Course was renamed the Red Tiger, as Jackie Gleason once called the course. The White Course became known as the White Wonder, and the Par-3 Course became known as the Green Course or the Green Hornet.

Source: Facebook-TrumpDoral
In 1968, Robert von Hagge and Bruce Devlin were hired to build the fifth course at the Doral Country Club - the Gold Course. In January, 1970 the Gold Course opened for business and received the moniker of Bachelor's Gold.

Doral's Touring Golf Pro: Seve Ballesteros. Source:
In 1987, a spa wing was added to the Doral Country Club's hotel and the facility was renamed as the Doral Golf Resort and Spa.

In 1993, the Doral Golf Resort and Spa was sold by Kaskel to KSL Recreation Corp. for $55M and Raymond Floyd was hired by the new owners to redesign the courses.
In 1995, Doral Golf Resort and Spa purchased the neighboring golf course called Doral Park Country Club - Silver Course that was built in 1984 and designed by Robert von Hagge and Bruce Devlin.
In 1995, Raymond Floyd and his assistant Ted McAnlis redesigned the Gold Course and in 1996 the Blue Monster was redesigned by Floyd.
In 1998, Jerry Pate was hired to redesign the Silver Course and it reopened in February, 1999.
In 1999, Greg Norman was hired to build a new golf course on the parcel of land that contained the current White Wonder and Green Hornet golf courses. On February 15, 2000, the Great White course at the Doral Golf Resort & Spa made its debut. At the time, the Great White course had a triple green, where holes 11, 13, and 17 shared the same green.
In 2003, Jim McLean redesigned the Blue Monster course.
In February 2004, CNL Hospitality Properties purchased Doral Golf Resort & Spa from the KSL Recreation Corp.
On December 6, 2005, Doral Golf Resort & Spa unveiled the Greg Norman redesigned Great White course.
In 2009, Doral's Silver Course was redesigned by Jim McLean and the course was renamed as the Doral Golf Resort & Spa - Jim McLean Signature Course.
In 2011, Doral celebrated its 50th anniversary.
In December, 2011, the Doral Golf Resort & Spa went into bankruptcy and Donald Trump's bid of $150M landed Trump the famed Doral Country Club facility in June 2012. Donald Trump pumped an additional $250M into the golf resort by renovating the hotel complex and its golf courses. Doral Golf Resort & Spa was renamed Trump National Doral Miami.

The Blue Monster course was renovated by Gil Hanse and Jim Wagner and reopened in December 2013.
After a Hanse/Wagner renovation, the Silver Fox course reopened in December 2014.
The White Course was closed in January, 2015. The Red Tiger course reopened on January 12, 2015 and the Golden Palm course reopened in September 2015 after the Hanse/Wagner renovations.