Trump National Doral Golf Club - White Course
Closed - 18 holes
4400 NW 87th Avenue
Doral, Florida
Miami-Dade County
Resort Website
Other Courses at the Club:
Trump National Doral Golf Club - The Blue Monster
Trump National Doral Golf Club - Golden Palm
Trump National Doral Golf Club - Red Tiger
Trump National Doral Golf Club - Silver Fox
Former Courses at the Club:
Doral Golf Resort & Spa - White Course
Doral Golf Resort & Spa - Par 3 Course

Award for Best Picture

The visionary for the Doral Golf Resort & Spa - Great White course was KSL Recreation Corp.
On February 15, 2000, the Greg Norman designed Doral Golf Resort & Spa - Great White Course opened. It was built on the parcel of land which previously held Doral Golf Resort & Spa's White and Par 3 courses and had a triple green.
The Doral Golf Resort & Spa - Great White course reopened on December 6, 2005 with a new look with a partial Greg Norman redesign.
In June 2012, it was renamed as Trump National Doral Golf Club - White Course.
The Trump National Doral Golf Club - White Course was closed in January, 2015.
Course Area

Trump National Doral Golf Club - White Course Layout and Scorecard

Street View of Entrance
Google Maps
Bing Maps
See Trump National Doral Golf Club - Blue Monster for a history of Doral.